DAO for the PGU: Democratizing Game Development and Ecosystem Decisions

Introduction to the PGU DAO

The Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) for the PLYR Gaming Universe (PGU) is a crucial feature that empowers the community to have a significant voice in various aspects of game development and ecosystem governance. Through the DAO, GAMR token holders can participate in decisions that shape the platform, from game updates to economic adjustments.

Community Voting and Developer Interaction

The DAO provides a platform where game developers can submit proposals for any changes they wish to make, whether these are modifications to existing games or introductions of new features. This system encourages developers to align their projects with community preferences, enhancing user satisfaction and engagement. Community members can vote on a wide range of proposals, including but not limited to:

Transaction Fee Adjustments: Decisions on whether to change the fee structure within the ecosystem.

Integration of New Tokens: Approval of new tokens to be used within the PGU.

Game Development Proposals: Suggestions for new game features or updates.

Marketing Strategies: Initiatives aimed at promoting the PGU and its games.

Empowering Developers with Community Feedback

Encouraging developers to utilize the DAO for feedback and approval not only makes games more compatible with community expectations but also instills a sense of ownership among users. This feature is intended to foster a collaborative environment where developers and players co-create the gaming experience.

Governance and Rules

The operation of the DAO is governed by predefined rules, which ensure that all decisions are made transparently and fairly. These rules detail the voting procedures, the necessary quorums for different types of decisions, and the implementation process for approved proposals.

Voting to Add New Game Tokens to the PGU

Introduction to Token Integration

In the dynamic world of the PLYR Gaming Universe (PGU), integrating tokens from other blockchain games involves a robust process to ensure the security and viability of these tokens within the PGU ecosystem. The process is governed by the community through the DAO, emphasizing transparency and community trust.

Collateralization Process for New Tokens

To protect the PGU and its users from potential scams or unreliable projects, any game token from another chain that wishes to integrate with the PGU must be collateralized. This is to ensure that only serious and committed projects are considered.

DAO Voting and Staking Pool Creation

When a new game token is proposed for integration into the PGU:

DAO Decision: The community votes via the DAO to approve the creation of a staking pool for the new token.

Staking Requirement: A specific amount of GAMR tokens must be staked in the pool to reach a predetermined limit, acting as collateral.

Lock Period: The staked GAMR is locked for a period of six months, during which it will generate rewards within the staking pool.

Safeguards and Rewards Distribution

Monitoring Period: Throughout the six-month lock period, the behavior of the new token is closely monitored.

Contingency for Scams: If the new token is deemed a scam or conducts a rug pull, the extra GAMR earned during the staking period will be used as compensation for users who suffered losses.

Successful Integration: If the new token behaves as expected and integrates well into the PGU, the accrued rewards from the staking pool will be distributed equally among the stakers, rewarding them for their contribution and trust.

Last updated